Memory Management

numba-dppy uses DPC++’s USM shared memory allocator (memory_alloc) to enable host to device and vice versa data transfer. By using USM shared memory allocator, numba-dppy allows seamless interoperability between numba-dppy and other SYCL-based Python extensions and across multiple kernels written using numba_dppy.kernel decorator.

numba-dppy uses the USM memory manager provided by dpctl and supports the SYCL USM Array Interface protocol to enable zero-copy data exchange across USM memory-backed Python objects.


USM pointers make sense within a SYCL context and can be of four allocation types: host, device, shared, or unknown. Host applications, including CPython interpreter, can work with USM pointers of type host and shared as if they were ordinary host pointers. Accessing device USM pointers by host applications is not allowed.

SYCL USM Array Interface

A SYCL library may allocate USM memory for the result that needs to be passed to Python. A native Python extension that makes use of such a library may expose this memory as an instance of Python class that will implement memory management logic (ensures that memory is freed when the instance is no longer needed). The need to manage memory arises whenever a library uses a custom allocator. For example, daal4py uses Python capsule to ensure that a native library-allocated memory is freed using the appropriate deallocator.

To enable native extensions to pass the memory allocated by a native SYCL library to Numba, or another SYCL-aware Python extension without making a copy, the class must provide __sycl_usm_array_interface__ attribute which returns a Python dictionary with the following fields:

  • shape: tuple of int

  • typestr: string

  • typedescr: a list of tuples

  • data: (int, bool)

  • strides: tuple of int

  • offset: int

  • version: int

  • syclobj: dpctl.SyclQueue or dpctl.SyclContext object

The dictionary keys align with those of numpy.ndarray.__array_interface__ and __cuda_array_interface__. For host accessible USM pointers, the object may also implement CPython PEP-3118 compliant buffer interface which will be used if a data key is not present in the dictionary. Use of a buffer interface extends the interoperability to other Python objects, such as bytes, bytearray, array.array, or memoryview. The type of the USM pointer stored in the object can be queried using methods of the dpctl.

Device-only memory and explicit data transfer

At the moment, there is no mechanism for the explicit transfer of arrays to the device and back. Please use usm arrays.

Local memory

In SYCL’s memory model, local memory is a contiguous region of memory allocated per work group and is visible to all the work items in that group. Local memory is device-only and cannot be accessed from the host. From the perspective offers the device, the local memory is exposed as a contiguous array of a specific types. The maximum available local memory is hardware-specific. The SYCL local memory concept is analogous to CUDA’s shared memory concept.

numba-dppy provides a special function dppy.local.array to allocate local memory for a kernel.

def local_memory():
    blocksize = 10

    # @dppy.kernel("void(float32[::1])")
    def reverse_array(A):
        lm = dppy.local.array(shape=10, dtype=float32)
        i = dppy.get_global_id(0)

        # preload
        lm[i] = A[i]
        # barrier local or global will both work as we only have one work group
        dppy.barrier(dppy.CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)  # local mem fence
        # write
        A[i] += lm[blocksize - 1 - i]

    arr = np.arange(blocksize).astype(np.float32)

    with dpctl.device_context("opencl:gpu") as gpu_queue:
        reverse_array[blocksize, dppy.DEFAULT_LOCAL_SIZE](arr)

    # there arr should be orig[::-1] + orig, i.e. [9, 9, 9, ...]


To go convert from numba.cuda to numba-dppy, replace numba.cuda.shared.array with numba_dppy.local.array(shape=blocksize, dtype=float32).


Add details about current limitations for local memory allocation in numba-dppy.

Private and Constant memory

numba-dppy does not yet support SYCL private and constant memory.